Thursday, July 28, 2011

Buenos Noches Santander.

This is it...One leg of a journey complete.

So yeah...I'm leaving tomorrow and I can't believe how quickly all the time passed. Tomorrow morning, I'm moving on to Rome. I don't know the scope of feelings my groupmates share in respect to this city, but I know for myself that this place (and country as a whole) affected me in a major way. I'm coming back a changed person for life no question about that. Needless to say, in many ways I'll be better for that. So yeah...

I'm looking forward to the change of scenery. Rome, as tourist catering as it is, will be dope I'm sure. I've always wanted to see and I intend to do as many of the generic touristy things as I can stand (haha). I have to say, the one big thing I'm looking forward to though is the Vatican. I'm not the most devout Catholic, but as a Filipino, Catholicism is a huge part of my culture and the faith that I have the most faith in. I've always been intrigued by it, the art, culture and all of that. Also, my parents have always wanted to see it and this is the experience I would love most to bring back to them. Most of all though, I can't wait to experience yet another culture and language. I'm really excited for all of it.

Going back to the subject of change, I don't feel a laundry list is necessary, because once I (finally) get back to the States. I'd rather be about it than talk about it. In lieu of this, I've got much to prepare for the remainder of the year. I'm looking forward to sharing stories, pictures, experiences with all my friends and family back home. I appreciate everyone that's been staying up with me throughout this thing. In your own ways, great to minute, you all have helped me to get through this thing.

More to come in Roma...check my Spain pics on facebook.


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