Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 1.

This one is a sort of continuation of my previous post. 06212011

So I managed to knock out for a little while, I can't even say how long...all I know is that I shot up awake and couldn't revert back to sleep mode for awhile. Before my previous doze...and now. I've spent mad hours going through songs for breaks. Found some useful stuff, but nothing super game changing. It's more than I had in my quiver before though...I consider myself fortunate. In my sleep-addled state, I've discovered a new love for Krautrock and Psychedelic rock. It's been an interesting experience, even though I didn't find many bboy breaks. So yeah, besides that I've noticed that international flights or any extended period flights seem to have this "seedy underbelly" to them.

So I'm chillin, wide awake with my headphones on minding my own and this parade of weirdness (in my opinion) seems to make its appearance known amidst all the darkness. First of all, the way that people parade around the aisles is so suspect to me. I know it's easy to get stir crazy when you're cramped in such a confined space for that period of time, that certainly goes without saying. I just think it crossed the line in the form of two bourgeois women (surprisingly not in first class). Anyhow, these two ladies were traipsing about the aisles staring crazy at everyone throughout the rows, leaning in and all that. There were a few times I thought they were going to reach for peoples stuff. I was not comfortable with any of it. I know I would've pulled a respond/react right then and there were that to take place. Needless to say, it wasn't cute at all. I'm glad that the lights came on when they did...It served as a way to shirk off the denizens of the dark back to the crevices they slinked out of. So yah, with the light came breakfast which was refreshing and small, but surprisingly filling. The best part of it all though...was the hour until the touchdown in Madrid. It was certainly the longest hour ever..lots of interesting stuff...I thought we were going to crash into the airport the way that the pilot touched down. I would've been so mad and also so dead. Anyhow, hour passed and now in Madrid!

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