Tuesday, June 28, 2011

So...I don't feel like detailing everything...

I know these posts have been mad late. So I'm going to keep this brief as possible and try to fit in as much as I can...Y'all have to read this after all.

So yeah, I'm in Santander officially. Yesterday marked the pass of my first week in Spain...which means that time is about to fly by hella quick. I'll try to sum this up as best I can. So yah...Arrival. The train ride here was really dope. The scenery was absolutely amazing. The country is so verdant and dynamic. It was dope to see remnants of old architecture sprouting from between the new architecture and what not. It just goes to show that this country remembers its past. It's a redundancy that I'm going to keep mentioning probably. (...haha) I was fortunate to be awake for the majority of the ride, the reward was I got to see most of it. I know I was exhausted, it was the apprehension that did it most likely. It was nice to see Nuria (our professor and group leader) when we got here. It was nice to see a familiar face. I met with my host father Mino shortly after that. I consider myself lucky to be hosted by him. He's a super nice guy, hella smart and really knowledgable about history...Santander, Spain and the world in general. I talk to him about everything that I don't get to talk to my own pops about..refreshing for sure. I like the city so far, it reminds me of Washington state in the summer. It's verdant, hilly, cool enough not to be oppressive, but not so hot that it makes you want to kill yourself...Duval take a peep at Santander's weather and civil planning game...you could learn something.

Today was the second day of classes. In the meantime, we've been living it up as the locals do here. Life here is so relaxed. People work mad hard to relax harder. I can deal with that. Things start late here from an American persepective. I love how they take siestas into consideration here. All of us have had an ill time thus far. We've been going out almost everyday taking in what this city has to offer in our individual ways. The campus is small, but comfortable. The staff here is super helpful and there's everything that we need within an arms reach (in my opinion.) I love being able to walk to everything safely. The food is bomb, the people mind their own business and what not. Things are good..if not great. Unfortunately more details later...this library is about to close and I'm personally tired of being cramped in here...the city and..homework await...

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