Sunday, June 19, 2011

A trip of a lifetime.

Alright so it's been a minute since I've updated this thing...perhaps that's underestimating things. Needless to say, there's been quite a remarkable gap of events from the last post to the present day. I felt that the appropriate topic of discussion should be my European excursion to Spain. We've all got those "bucket list" things we would like to see to their fruition. Studying abroad was a definite one for me. Amidst the changes that have gone on in my life up to this point, I definitely think this is the best thing for me right now. New horizons rife with new possibilities. In lieu of all of these things, I thought this blog would be the best way to share my experiences with everyone back home (accompanied by ze' facebook of course). The official jumpoff starts tomorrow...I think I'm ready?

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